Menghai 8582 Qinbing (Zhong Cha, 1996), 344 g.

Артикул товара: 33721
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Time2 секунд
95 °C
4 г
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Ripe leaves
Ripe leaves
Описание и рекомендации

Sheng Puer "Menghai 8582" from CNNP (China National Natural Products Import and Export Company), 1997 harvest. Taiwanese storage.

344-grams teacake of medium density easily separates into twisted dark brown leaves, reddish buds and thin cuttings. The aroma is restrained, woody-balsamic. The infusion is transparent, with a reddish-chestnut shade.

The bouquet of the ready-made tea is mature, multifaceted, woody-herbaceous, with notes of autumn forest, fruits, exotic resins and oak moss. The aroma is complex, fruity and balsamic. The taste is extremely soft and smooth, silky, sweetish, with a slight fruity sourness, nuances of spices and a long aftertaste.

Steep the tea in a hot water (90-95°C) in a gaiwan or in a teapot made of porous clay. The proportion is 4-5 g per 100 ml. The time of the first steeping is 5-7 seconds. After that do short steeps (just for 1-2 seconds) increasing steeping time for each subsequent step, if necessary. You can steep the tea up to 12 times.

"Menghai 8582" is a superb aged tea with a multifaceted, mild flavour and deep meditative effect.

Комментарии о товаре

Просто великолепный шен. Ощутил присутствие чайного духа) !

Pavel II

.....если как следует отработать карму, то в следующей жизни можно стать тайваньским коллекционером....

ответ для

... Только не "ОТработать", а "НАработать" =)

Pavel II
ответ для

....и здесь одной лишь ОТработки мало.... ? Вычеркиваю Тайвань, не такой духовный.....

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