
Gift box (box, package, 3 tin tea caddies) v2

Артикул товара: 2071
6 отзывов
6 комментариев
Товар недоступен
Описание и рекомендации

Коробка пустая, по вашему желанию можем расфасовать туда любые три чая.

При заказе уточняйте желаемое наполнение в комментарии или сразу добавляйте в корзину нужные сорта (вместительность баночек - примерно 40 грамм, в зависимости от сорта).

Комментарии о товаре
Чайный Клуб

Ольга, в комментариях к заказу (нужный чай и нужные баночки) напишите ваши пожелания, например: "прошу упаковать чай в баночки".


А как оформить заказ с фасовкой? Отправила запрос на эл.ящик, а меня оправляют оформить заказ на сайте...(

Чайный Клуб

Ольга, сегодня будем замерять, сколько чая поместится в банки. Фасуем сами по запросу.


А вы сами фасуете выбранный чай?


Подскажите сколько войдёт в эту упаковку следующих чаёв:

  1. Сюэ Пянь Ву Е Фэн Хуан Дань Цун (Снежные Листья с Горы Феникса)
  2. Шу Цзинь Я (Шу пуэр Золотая почка), 2010
  3. Анси Сипин Хун Ча, 2015 г.

Дороговато за пакетики

Tea envelope # 34949, foil paper
Tea envelope # 34949, foil paper
Tea envelope # 34949, foil paper
Tea envelope # 34949, foil paper
Tea envelope # 34950, foil paper
Tea envelope # 34950, foil paper
Tea envelope # 34950, foil paper
Tea envelope # 34950, foil paper
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33411
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33411
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33411
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33411
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33411
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33411
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33411
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33411
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33420
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33420
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33420
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33420
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33420
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33420
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33420
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33420
Нет отзывов
Gift box for tea cake # 33374
Gift box for tea cake # 33374
Gift box for tea cake # 33374
Gift box for tea cake # 33374
Gift box for tea cake # 33374
Gift box for tea cake # 33374
Gift box for tea cake # 33374
Gift box for tea cake # 33374
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33405
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33405
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33405
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33405
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33405
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33405
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33405
Gift box for Puer cake # 33397
Gift box for Puer cake # 33397
Gift box for Puer cake # 33397
Gift box for Puer cake # 33397
Gift box for Puer cake # 33397
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33435
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33435
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33435
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33435
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33435
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33435
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33435
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33435
Нет отзывов
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33436, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33436, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33436, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33436, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33436, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33436, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33436, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33436, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33438, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33438, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33438, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33438, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33438, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33438, porcelain
Нет отзывов
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33439, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33439, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33439, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33439, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33439, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33439, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33439, porcelain
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33620
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33620
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33620
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33620
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33620
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33620
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33620
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33620
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33743
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33743
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33743
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33743
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33743
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33743
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33743
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33743
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33410
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33410
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33410
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33410
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33410
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33410
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33410
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33410
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33422
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33422
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33422
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33422
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33422
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33422
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33422
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33422
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33433
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33433
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33433
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33433
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33433
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33433
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33433
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33433
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33399
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33399
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33399
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33399
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33399
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33399
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33399
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33399
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33407
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33407
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33407
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33407
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33407
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33407
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33407
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33407
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33408
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33408
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33408
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33408
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33408
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33408
Gift pack (12 steel caddies with bag) # 33408
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33425
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33425
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33425
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33425
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33425
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33425
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33425
Gift pack (4 steel caddies with bag) # 33425
Нет отзывов
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33456, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33456, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33456, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33456, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33456, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33456, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33456, porcelain
Нет отзывов
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33461
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33461
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33461
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33461
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33461
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33461
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33461
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33461
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33461
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33461
Gift tea set (2 steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33461
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33415
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33415
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33415
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33415
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33415
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33415
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33415
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33415
Нет отзывов
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33455, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33455, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33455, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33455, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33455, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33455, porcelain
Gift tea set (2 teamesh) # 33455, porcelain
Нет отзывов
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33460
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33460
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33460
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33460
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33460
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33460
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33460
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33460
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33460
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33460
Gift tea set (2  steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33460
Gift tea set (2 steel caddies and teamesh with bag) # 33460
Нет отзывов
Gift box for Puer cake # 33386
Gift box for Puer cake # 33386
Gift box for Puer cake # 33386
Gift box for Puer cake # 33386
Gift box for Puer cake # 33386
Gift box for Puer cake # 33386
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33404
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33404
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33404
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33404
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33404
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33404
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33404
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33404
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33409
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33409
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33409
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33409
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33409
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33409
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33409
Gift pack (2 steel caddies with bag) # 33409
Нет отзывов
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33412
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33412
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33412
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33412
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33412
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33412
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33412
Gift pack (5 steel caddies with bag) # 33412
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33419
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33419
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33419
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33419
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33419
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33419
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33419
Gift pack (3 steel caddies with bag) # 33419
Нет отзывов
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