Gaoji Zhou Gui

Артикул товара: 29196
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Time3 секунд
90 °C
6 г
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Описание и рекомендации

“Top Grade Rou Gui” spring harvest of 2020. High fire.

In appearance: medium-sized, dark brown, flagellum twisted leaves. The fragrance is intensive, bakery-and-spicy with a hint of baked fruits. The liquor is transparent, with an amber shade.

The bouquet of ready-made tea is warm, bakery-and-spicy, with notes of clove, allspice, fruit jam and cinnamon rolls. The aroma is warm and deep, complex. The taste is rich and mellow, oily, salty-mineral, with a slight tartness and lingering finish.

Steep the tea in a hot water (90-95°С) in a porcelain gaiwan or in a teapot of porous clay. The proportion is 5 g per 100 ml. The time of the first steeping is about 5-7 seconds. After that do short steeps (just for 2-3 seconds), increasing steeping time for each subsequent step, if necessary. You can steep the tea up to 6 times.

“Top Grade Rou Gui” is a great tea for a special emotional reboot.

Комментарии о товаре

Во втрое чаепитие, проливов стало гораздо больше больше 10. Эффект 🔥


Даёт состояние сразу , довольно выраженное . По вкусу хорошо. Только реально 5-6 проливов . 6 грамм , я не напился ...

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