Que She (Chuan Tong)

Артикул товара: 6861
4 отзывов
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Описание и рекомендации

The English name of this tea is “Sparrow tongue” because thin tea buds looks like open birds beak. It is natural mutation of Da Hong Pao sort and it grows at the same area as legendary tea “The Great Red Robe”, at the natural boundary “Nine dragons”. It has low productivity and it is not commercially popular tea. It is known only by tea enthusiasts and specialist. Only devoted tea masters produce it.

Dry tea leaves are small, elegant twisted and have dark vinous color. The aroma is tender, with bread and spicy tones. The infusion is clear with dark amber tint.

The bucket of brewed tea is warm with bread, spicy, light floral, berries and woody tones. The taste is soft and rich with butter and bread tint and berries sour taste, there is no “roasted” bitterness. The aroma is tender, sweet and profound. It has gorgeous refreshing aftertaste.

Brew this tea with hot boiled water (95-100°С) in yixing tea pot for strong fermented oolongs or in thick-walled gaiwan. Take 6-8 grams of tea for 120 ml volume dish. Shed tea with hot water, and after infuse few times for 5-10 seconds and gradually increase infusion time till 3 minutes. This tea stands 7-8 infusions brewing this way.

It is excellent ceremonial wuyishan oolong which satisfies the high demanding taste. It has warmer, meditative and relaxing effect.  

Комментарии о товаре

Под "чуань тун" подразумевается, что чай жарили на углях, а не в электрическом шкафу.

Чайный Клуб

Чуан Тун переводится как "традиционный" .

Чайный Клуб

Илья, указанные вами чаи отличаются и степенью ферментации и прожарки. Так же чаи с разных хозяйств, поэтому они заметно отличаются.

Жуков Илья Сергеевич

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