
Lao Huang Jin Gui (2010) aged oolong

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Time5 секунд
95 °C
6 г
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Описание и рекомендации

Aged oolong "Golden Osmanthus" harvest of 2010 from the South Fujian County of Anxi.

In appearance: medium-sized maroon-brown lumps of twisted tea shoots with small cuttings. The fragrance is discreet, spicy-woody. The liquor is transparent, with a shade of golden almond.

The bouquet of ready-made tea is mature, warm, spicy-woody, with biscuit, creamy and fruity notes. The aroma is calm, spicy-woody with a hint of bread, a cold aroma is delicate, floral with a biscuit accent. The taste is subtle, multifaceted, it changes during tea drinking from a soft, creamy to a more juicy, with a fruity sourness and refreshing finish.

Brew tea with hot water (95°С) in a porcelain gaiwan or in a teapot of porous clay. The proportion is 6-7 g per 100 ml. The time of the first steeping is about 15 seconds. After that do short steeps (just for 5-7 second), increasing steeping time for each subsequent step, if necessary. You can repeat this method up to 6-7 times.

"Golden Osmanthus" is the right choice to regain peace of mind and warm your body.

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