Hatsukaori (japanese tea)

Артикул товара: 32541
3 отзывов
3 комментариев
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ПриготовлениеChevron Back
Time60 секунд
70 °C
2 г
ВкусыChevron Back
Описание и рекомендации

Spring harvest 2020, first flush.

In appearance: thin, dark green tubes of twisted tea leaves and their fragments. The fragrance is intensive, grassy with a floral touch. The liquor is a bit cloudy, with a bright yellowish-green shade.

The bouquet of the ready-made tea is fresh, grassy-and-nutty with a meadow notes. The fragrance is bright and lively, grassy-floral. The taste is rich and vibrant, oily, sweet, with a delicate grassy tartness and lingering finish.

Classic Japanese brewing method is to put the tea in a teapot at the rate of 2 g per 100 ml, add hot water (70°C), and after 45-60 seconds pour the tea into cups. You can steep the tea up to three times. The time of the second steeping is 15 seconds; for the third steeping it is 1-2 minutes.

«Hatsukaori» is аn excellent choice for an emotional reboot: rich taste, fresh and bright aroma, definitely positive effect.

Комментарии о товаре
Александр Муравьев

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