
Schedule of events in Tea Club on Bakuninskaya str. from 21 to 27th of November

Лента новостей и медиа 23.04.2017

21th of November, Monday: film "Me, grandmother, Iliko and Hilarion", 1963, Tengiz Abuladze, USSR, begins at 20.00.
Tea ceremony cost for Gao Huo Tie Guan Yin ( ) - 200 rub.

22th of November, Tuesday: film "The Old Man", 2012, Ermek Tursunov, Kazakhstan, begins at 19.30.
Tea ceremony cost for Wuyishan oolong Shi Ru Yun Long ( ) - 200 rub.

23th of November, Wednesday: talk about Japan: "Japanese Manga - where to start",  recruit a group of language learning. Orientalist: Treschalova Anastasia.
Begins at: 19.00. Entrance 100 rub + cost of tea ceremony you choose.

24th of November, Thursday: concert-meditation - Tibetian singing bowls: Aleksander Demidov. From 19.00 to 22.00.
Entrance 800 rub + cost of tea ceremony you choose. Pre-registration is required.

25th of November, Friday: contact juggling: Nikita Izmaylov, begins at 20.00.
Entrance 400 rub + cost of tea ceremony you choose.

26th of November, Saturday: Cartoon "The Rabbi's Cat", 2011, Antoine Delev, France, begins at 20.00.
Tea ceremony cost for Taiwanese oolong Dong Ding Mei Ren ( ) - 200 rub.

27th of November, Sunday, film "Kin-Dza-Dza!", 1986 (full restoration), Georgy Danelia, USSR, begins at 19.00
Tea ceremony cost for Hei Cha Qian Lian Bing ( ) - 200 rub.

Please pay attantion, you can guaranteed get to concert or film only after registration by phone +7 925 775-04-66

Adress- Bakuninskaya str.14, room №7.
Video about how to get to our tea club:

If you'd like to hold your event - concert, lecture or master-class, call us +7 925 775-04-66

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