
Events for the week of May 22-28

Лента новостей и медиа 22.05.2023

May 26, Friday, 19:00 Lecture "Geochemistry of tea"

May 27, Saturday, 14:00 Tasting "Tea Party"

May 27, Saturday, 17:00 Go-meetings: a lesson for beginners

May 28, Sunday, 13:00 Tasting "Such different mate"


🧧 Bakukinskaya

May 26, Friday, 19:00

Lecture "Geochemistry of tea"

What natural conditions affect taste? Which will be bitter, and which will be tart? A geochemical look at the contents of your cup. Come listen to a lecture on the geochemistry of tea!

Lecturer: Nikolai Trofimov - Researcher at the University of Bremen, Master of Geochemistry, Ph.D.

Admission is free, pre-registration is required.


May 27, Saturday, 14:00

Tasting "Tea Party"

We have a plan - to get together, choose a few teas from the basket "to brew" and have a good day off with tea and conversation. Join us for some tea ;)

Host - Maxim Shman


May 27, Saturday, 17:00

Go-meetings: an activity for beginners

Dear friends, we invite all Go lovers to a meeting for beginners dedicated to strategy. In the game of Go, both tactics and long-term strategy are important. Intuition plays an important role in strategic decisions at the beginning of the game. It is impossible to accurately calculate all moves in fuseki, so players have to rely on their sense of a good move. We will talk about principles that can help intuition, balance and effectiveness of the set stones. And, of course, we will play on training boards 9*9 and 13*13.

Host - Anna Morozova


May 28, Sunday, 13:00

Tasting "Such different mate"

Signors and Signoritas!

We invite you on May 28 to a mother-drink on Baumanskaya! The presenter plans: tasting yerba mate tostada and terrere, straits and infusion, cooking on fire and the secrets of blending. A bit of history: the authentic use of the Kaa plant, the Chaco war and terrere, modern mate culture.

Having your own calabashes and bombies is welcome, but not required.

Presenter - Evgenia Pryadko


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