
Individual tea school. Updated training courses!

Лента новостей и медиа 03.11.2021

Dear guests of our clubs!

We are glad to present several updated training courses for you. They are suitable for those who want to hone their brewing skills, as well as for beginners who have just set foot on the tea path.


1) Individual tea school

We are happy to share our experience and knowledge on the updated individual course.
We will teach you how to cook delicious tea, understand its diversity, properly handle tea utensils, and also reveal the inner meaning of tea traditions!

Our traditional Tea School consists of 7 classes:
- Traditional brewing of Ping Cha tea.
- History of Chinese and world tea culture.
- Classification of tea. The main stages of production, geography and features of varieties.
- Subject environment, dishes, varieties of clay and porcelain dishes.
- Brewing tea according to the ancient method of Lu Yu. Features of the selection and preparation of water for tea.
- The skill of Kung Fu-cha. Tea in Chinese culture and philosophy.
- Practice of brewing tea (several hours).

At the end of classes, a Diploma is issued, as well as membership in the community of graduates of the tea school, with access to private events, tastings and live communication with the masters of our club!

A preliminary appointment is being made for the tea school. The time convenient for those wishing to study is negotiated together with the masters. The school is conducted by the leading specialists of the Club, all classes are individual!

Payment is made at a time before the first lesson, an advance payment in the form of half of the tuition fee is possible.
To make an appointment, write to /@gonikov_artem (telegram)


2) Lu Yu Tea Brewing School

An updated school of three classes for those who want to learn the basics of the ancient method of making tea on fire!

During the classes you will get acquainted with the historical and cultural aspects of ancient methods of tea preparation, learn how to brew the most interesting varieties.

Our experienced craftsmen will teach you all the nuances of making light teas, show you how to properly handle red teas and puer, and of course teach you how to brew pressed tea!

To make an appointment, write to /@gonikov_artem (telegram)


3) "Home" tea school

It consists of three classes. The main focus is on the practice of making and storing tea at home. After completing the course, you will be able to prepare your own tea using the methods of Ping Cha and Gong Fu Cha.

1 lesson. The history of the ancient drink, useful properties and cooking features.
You will learn:
* competently buy and carefully store tea;
* choose tea according to the seasons and life situations;
* brew and taste tea.
The practical part includes:
* paired brewing with a Master: preparation of the selected type of tea using the Pin Cha method in gaiwani.

Lesson 2. Tea utensils, the difference of materials and shapes.
You will learn how to:
* choose dishes and determine their quality;
* nurture teapots and take care of dishes;
* select the appropriate utensils for different types of tea;
The practical part includes:
* acquaintance with samples of ceremonial tea utensils;
* steaming with a Master: making tea using the Ping Cha method in the Yixing teapot.

Lesson 3. The philosophical principles of the tea ceremony and etiquette. The styles of the tea ceremony and the basics of the interaction of the Host and Guest at the tea board.
You will learn:
* choose the appropriate style of the ceremony according to the tea and the situation;
* properly organize the tea space;
* meet guests and create an atmosphere of tea action.
The practical part includes:
* self-preparation of the selected tea using the Gong Fu Cha method.

To make an appointment, write to /@gonikov_artem (telegram)


The venue is the Tea Culture Club

Pushkinskaya m., Malaya Dmitrovka str., 24/2 p.2, entrance from the courtyard from Malaya Dmitrovka str.
tel. - +7 495 650 24 58, +7 925 695 59 58 ( every day from 10:00 to 00:00)

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