Ripe Puer is the most famous Chinese tea variety in the world. You can buy loose or compressed ripe puer. The highest quality loose Ripe Puer is “Gong Ting”, lit. “palace” Puer.This name comes from the time when best Puer was sent to the imperial palacefor the Emperor, his family and highest officials. “Jin Ya” variety is thetippy tea. It is also high quality Ripe Puer.  “Cha tou” or lit. “Dragonheads” is made when the leaves and buds are naturally stuck together into smallnuggets in the production process. 


You can always buy inour shop loose Ripe Puer made by famous manufacturers, small farmers andproduced in our own manufacturing facilities in the Jinggu Mountains.  

" inertia>Ripe Puer is the most famous Chinese tea variety in the world. You can buy loose or compressed ripe puer. The highest quality loose Ripe Puer is “Gong Ting”, lit. “palace” Puer.This name comes from the time when best Puer was sent to the imperial palacefor the Emperor, his family and highest officials. “Jin Ya” variety is thetippy tea. It is also high quality Ripe Puer.  “Cha tou” or lit. “Dragonheads” is made when the leaves and buds are naturally stuck together into smallnuggets in the production process. 


You can always buy inour shop loose Ripe Puer made by famous manufacturers, small farmers andproduced in our own manufacturing facilities in the Jinggu Mountains.  

" inertia>Loose Leaf Ripe Puer
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