
Da Ye Qing Bing (1998), aged sheng puer, 362 g

Артикул товара: 23927
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Time2 секунд
95 °C
5 г
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Ripe leaves
Ripe leaves
Описание и рекомендации

Aged Sheng Puer «Da Ye Qing Bing» made by CNNP company in 1998 (Taiwanese storage).

362-grams tea cake of medium density, easily divided into medium-sized, brown, flagella twisted leaves and buds with thin cuttings. The aroma is restrained, woody-balsamic. The infusion is transparent, with an amber shade.

The bouquet of the ready-made tea is mature and multifaceted, woody and spicy, with cognac, fruity, balsamic and mushroom notes. The aroma is deep and rich, woody-balsamic with a fruity accent. The taste is full-bodied, soft and smooth, with a refined fruity sourness and spicy nuances, transforming into the lingering finish.

Brew tea with hot water (90-95°C) in a gaiwan or in a teapot made of porous clay. The proportion is 5-6 g per 100 ml. The time of the first steeping is about 5 seconds. After that do short steeps (just for 1-2 seconds) increasing steeping time for each subsequent step, if necessary. You can steep the tea up to 15 times.

Aged Sheng Puer «Da Ye Qing Bing» is an excellent example of aged Puer for collectors and sophisticated connoisseurs.

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