
Yiwu Qi Ji Bing (Changtai Cha Chang), 2006, 357 gr.

Артикул товара: 8266
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"Seven Brothers" from company Chantai which specializes in manufacture of Pu'er grades from famous tea gardens. The grade was made from spring shoots of tea trees growing in Yiu mountains (district Sishunban-na).

375 g teacake of medium density, easily broken with fingers into relatively large strings of twisted dark brown leaves with long stems and silvery buds. The aroma of dry tea is moderate, delicate, woody-balsamic. The infusion is transparent and has a bright apricot shade.

The bouquet of ready tea is mature, multi-dimensional, refined, fruity-balsamic with nuances of herbs, oak moss, dried apricots, dried apples and citrus. The taste is clear, mild, mouth-filling, silky, sweetish, minty-cool, delicately sour with a light grape tartness and notes of spices. The aroma is intense, sweet, reminding of fruit compote with floral notes. A rich refreshing aftertaste.

Preparation: brew with boiling hot water (95-100°C) in a gaiwan or a teapot made of porous clay for Sheng Pu'er. The proportion is 5 g per 100 ml. Use "pouring brewing method" (pouring water through leaves, gradually extending exposure time). The leaves can last for 11-12 brews.

An excellent collector's item – delicate, soothing, with a great flavour and a harmonious effect. It clears away drowsiness and dullness, balances excess emotions, enhance harmony and clarity of thinking. Especially meant for lovers of fruity Sheng tea grades.

Комментарии о товаре

Довелось испить баньна цзи этого же завода, 2003 г. Лучше не пробовал, полнота вкуса...

Колосов Семен

Не знаю как там в каталогах, на сколько он подлинный, но это не помешало ему быть вкусным, зрелым чаем. А состояние такое ровное, тихое, приятно раслабляющие) так что, мне пришелся по душе!

Колосов Семен

Не знаю как там в каталогах, на сколько он подлинный, но это не помешало ему быть вкусным, зрелым чаем. А состояние такое ровное, тихое, приятно раслабляющие) так что, мне пришелся по душе!


Чайный Клуб. У вас купил. И внутренний вкладышь от другого чангтая... фиолетового.2007 года. Тут блины перепутали. И в Китайском катологе чангтая 2006 годов у этой серии блинов ИУ оформлена чуть по другому.

Чайный Клуб

Что значит "не лесное"? Этот чай из региона ИУ. Может быть конечно не из сада И Шань Мо который находится в тропических лесах ИУ с огромым количеством древних деревье, но он однозначно ИУшный. И вкусовой профиль похож и сам производитель пишет на своей продукции что блин из ИУ. Чангтаю вполне можно доверять в плане информации. С чего это вы взяли, что сырье не из ИУ? Что значит "другое сырье"? Вполне себе ИУшное сырье.


Совсем не из Иу. Другое сырьё. Не лесное. В чём прикол?

Raw Puer, Sheng xiao Qiu, Moychay (harvest 2022, pressed in 2023), 5 g
Raw Puer, Sheng xiao Qiu, Moychay (harvest 2022, pressed in 2023), 5 g
Raw Puer, Sheng xiao Qiu, Moychay (harvest 2022, pressed in 2023), 5 g
Raw Puer, Sheng xiao Qiu, Moychay (harvest 2022, pressed in 2023), 5 g
Raw Puer, Sheng xiao Qiu, Moychay (harvest 2022, pressed in 2023), 5 g
Raw Puer, Sheng xiao Qiu, Moychay (harvest 2022, pressed in 2023), 5 g
Xiao Dashu Sheng Cha, Moychay (harvest 2022, pressed in 2023), 5 g
Xiao Dashu Sheng Cha, Moychay (harvest 2022, pressed in 2023), 5 g
Xiao Dashu Sheng Cha, Moychay (harvest 2022, pressed in 2023), 5 g
Xiao Dashu Sheng Cha, Moychay (harvest 2022, pressed in 2023), 5 g
Xiao Dashu Sheng Cha, Moychay (harvest 2022, pressed in 2023), 5 g
Yiwu Chun Jian Sheng Puer (2009), 355 g.
Yiwu Chun Jian Sheng Puer (2009), 355 g.
Yiwu Chun Jian Sheng Puer (2009), 355 g.
Yiwu Chun Jian Sheng Puer (2009), 355 g.
Yiwu Chun Jian Sheng Puer (2009), 355 g.
Yiwu Chun Jian Sheng Puer (2009), 355 g.
Yiwu Chun Jian Sheng Puer (2009), 355 g.
Yiwu Chun Jian Sheng Puer (2009), 355 g.
Yiwu Chun Jian Sheng Puer (2009), 355 g.
Zhang Min Sheng Cha Bing (2010), 390 g.
Zhang Min Sheng Cha Bing (2010), 390 g.
Zhang Min Sheng Cha Bing (2010), 390 g.
Zhang Min Sheng Cha Bing (2010), 390 g.
Zhang Min Sheng Cha Bing (2010), 390 g.
Zhang Min Sheng Cha Bing (2010), 390 g.
Zhang Min Sheng Cha Bing (2010), 390 g.
Zhang Min Sheng Cha Bing (2010), 390 g.
Zhang Min Sheng Cha Bing (2010), 390 g.
Menghai Lao Sheng puer (matertial 2012, manufacturing 2021), 357 g
Menghai Lao Sheng puer (matertial 2012, manufacturing 2021), 357 g
Menghai Lao Sheng puer (matertial 2012, manufacturing 2021), 357 g
Menghai Lao Sheng puer (matertial 2012, manufacturing 2021), 357 g
Menghai Lao Sheng puer (matertial 2012, manufacturing 2021), 357 g
Menghai Lao Sheng puer (matertial 2012, manufacturing 2021), 357 g
Menghai Lao Sheng puer (matertial 2012, manufacturing 2021), 357 g
Menghai Lao Sheng puer (matertial 2012, manufacturing 2021), 357 g
Menghai Chen Cang Sheng Puer (2007), 357 g.
Menghai Chen Cang Sheng Puer (2007), 357 g.
Menghai Chen Cang Sheng Puer (2007), 357 g.
Menghai Chen Cang Sheng Puer (2007), 357 g.
Menghai Chen Cang Sheng Puer (2007), 357 g.
Menghai Chen Cang Sheng Puer (2007), 357 g.
Menghai Chen Cang Sheng Puer (2007), 357 g.
Menghai Chen Cang Sheng Puer (2007), 357 g.
Menghai Chen Cang Sheng Puer (2007), 357 g.
Menghai Chen Cang Sheng Puer (2007), 357 g.
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N2 (pressed by hands, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N2 (pressed by hands, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N2 (pressed by hands, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N2 (pressed by hands, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N2 (pressed by hands, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N2 (pressed by hands, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N2 (pressed by hands, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N2 (pressed by hands, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N2 (pressed by hands, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N2 (pressed by hands, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N2 (pressed by hands, 2003 год), 340 g
Yiwu Zheng Shan Sheng Bing (2009), 345 g.
Yiwu Zheng Shan Sheng Bing (2009), 345 g.
Yiwu Zheng Shan Sheng Bing (2009), 345 g.
Yiwu Zheng Shan Sheng Bing (2009), 345 g.
Yiwu Zheng Shan Sheng Bing (2009), 345 g.
Yiwu Zheng Shan Sheng Bing (2009), 345 g.
Yiwu Zheng Shan Sheng Bing (2009), 345 g.
Yiwu Zheng Shan Sheng Bing (2009), 345 g.
Gu Xiang Sheng Cha (2009), 350 g.
Gu Xiang Sheng Cha (2009), 350 g.
Gu Xiang Sheng Cha (2009), 350 g.
Gu Xiang Sheng Cha (2009), 350 g.
Gu Xiang Sheng Cha (2009), 350 g.
Gu Xiang Sheng Cha (2009), 350 g.
Gu Xiang Sheng Cha (2009), 350 g.
Qiaomu Qi Zi Bing Sheng Cha (2009), 360 g.
Qiaomu Qi Zi Bing Sheng Cha (2009), 360 g.
Qiaomu Qi Zi Bing Sheng Cha (2009), 360 g.
Qiaomu Qi Zi Bing Sheng Cha (2009), 360 g.
Qiaomu Qi Zi Bing Sheng Cha (2009), 360 g.
Qiaomu Qi Zi Bing Sheng Cha (2009), 360 g.
Qiaomu Qi Zi Bing Sheng Cha (2009), 360 g.
Qiaomu Qi Zi Bing Sheng Cha (2009), 360 g.
Qiaomu Qi Zi Bing Sheng Cha (2009), 360 g.
Qiaomu Qi Zi Bing Sheng Cha (2009), 360 g.
Thai Sheng Puer, wild-growing trees. Moychay Tea Forest Project, batch04-2022 (limited 108 pieces), 357 g
Thai Sheng Puer, wild-growing trees. Moychay Tea Forest Project, batch04-2022 (limited 108 pieces), 357 g
Thai Sheng Puer, wild-growing trees. Moychay Tea Forest Project, batch04-2022 (limited 108 pieces), 357 g
Thai Sheng Puer, wild-growing trees. Moychay Tea Forest Project, batch04-2022 (limited 108 pieces), 357 g
Thai Sheng Puer, wild-growing trees. Moychay Tea Forest Project, batch04-2022 (limited 108 pieces), 357 g
Thai Sheng Puer, wild-growing trees. Moychay Tea Forest Project, batch04-2022 (limited 108 pieces), 357 g
Thai sheng pu-erh from the wild trees of Banlao village (Tea forest project, bunch22SP01, may 2022), 200 g
Thai sheng pu-erh from the wild trees of Banlao village (Tea forest project, bunch22SP01, may 2022), 200 g
Thai sheng pu-erh from the wild trees of Banlao village (Tea forest project, bunch22SP01, may 2022), 200 g
Thai sheng pu-erh from the wild trees of Banlao village (Tea forest project, bunch22SP01, may 2022), 200 g
Thai sheng pu-erh from the wild trees of Banlao village (Tea forest project, bunch22SP01, may 2022), 200 g
Thai sheng pu-erh from the wild trees of Banlao village (Tea forest project, bunch22SP01, may 2022), 200 g
Jie Zheng Sheng Cha Bing (2007), 345 g.
Jie Zheng Sheng Cha Bing (2007), 345 g.
Jie Zheng Sheng Cha Bing (2007), 345 g.
Jie Zheng Sheng Cha Bing (2007), 345 g.
Jie Zheng Sheng Cha Bing (2007), 345 g.
Jie Zheng Sheng Cha Bing (2007), 345 g.
Jie Zheng Sheng Cha Bing (2007), 345 g.
Jie Zheng Sheng Cha Bing (2007), 345 g.
Thai shen puer from wild trees, fully manual production, Moychay Tea Forest project, zero batch-2022, (limited quantity - 152 pieces), 357 g
Thai shen puer from wild trees, fully manual production, Moychay Tea Forest project, zero batch-2022, (limited quantity - 152 pieces), 357 g
Thai shen puer from wild trees, fully manual production, Moychay Tea Forest project, zero batch-2022, (limited quantity - 152 pieces), 357 g
Thai shen puer from wild trees, fully manual production, Moychay Tea Forest project, zero batch-2022, (limited quantity - 152 pieces), 357 g
Thai shen puer from wild trees, fully manual production, Moychay Tea Forest project, zero batch-2022, (limited quantity - 152 pieces), 357 g
Thai shen puer from wild trees, fully manual production, Moychay Tea Forest project, zero batch-2022, (limited quantity - 152 pieces), 357 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N1 (hand pressed, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N1 (hand pressed, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N1 (hand pressed, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N1 (hand pressed, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N1 (hand pressed, 2003 год), 340 g
Ye Sheng Da Ye Bing N1 (hand pressed, 2003 год), 340 g
Thai shen puer from wild trees, fully handmade, Moychay Tea Forest project, first batch -2022, (limited quantity - 72 pieces), 357 g
Thai shen puer from wild trees, fully handmade, Moychay Tea Forest project, first batch -2022, (limited quantity - 72 pieces), 357 g
Thai shen puer from wild trees, fully handmade, Moychay Tea Forest project, first batch -2022, (limited quantity - 72 pieces), 357 g
Thai shen puer from wild trees, fully handmade, Moychay Tea Forest project, first batch -2022, (limited quantity - 72 pieces), 357 g
Thai shen puer from wild trees, fully handmade, Moychay Tea Forest project, first batch -2022, (limited quantity - 72 pieces), 357 g
Thai shen puer from wild trees, fully handmade, Moychay Tea Forest project, first batch -2022, (limited quantity - 72 pieces), 357 g
Sheng puerh from young tea trees, Vietnam (2022), 350 g
Sheng puerh from young tea trees, Vietnam (2022), 350 g
Sheng puerh from young tea trees, Vietnam (2022), 350 g
Sheng puerh from young tea trees, Vietnam (2022), 350 g
Sheng puerh from young tea trees, Vietnam (2022), 350 g
Sheng puerh from young tea trees, Vietnam (2022), 350 g
Sheng puerh from young tea trees, Vietnam (2022), 350 g
Chu Tong Chang Huang Ji Bing Cha (1994), 336 g
Chu Tong Chang Huang Ji Bing Cha (1994), 336 g
Chu Tong Chang Huang Ji Bing Cha (1994), 336 g
Chu Tong Chang Huang Ji Bing Cha (1994), 336 g
Chu Tong Chang Huang Ji Bing Cha (1994), 336 g
Chu Tong Chang Huang Ji Bing Cha (1994), 336 g
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