“Green” raw puer is sold loose or pressed. The highest quality loose leaf raw puer is usually made from raw material, “mao cha” , which farmers and small factory owners keep, instead of selling on to larger producers for pressing. This type of sheng puer goes to the domestic market. It is easier to see and estimate the quality of a loose leaf or bud tea rather than that of a pressed cake.  

Loose leaf raw puer is a rare and expensive tea variety, especially if sourced at famous locations.  

We continially restock our collection with new young and aged hand-produced loose raw puer tea varieties sourced by small familial farms, at historically significant locations, at natural reserves and secluded wild mountainous jungles.

" inertia>“Green” raw puer is sold loose or pressed. The highest quality loose leaf raw puer is usually made from raw material, “mao cha” , which farmers and small factory owners keep, instead of selling on to larger producers for pressing. This type of sheng puer goes to the domestic market. It is easier to see and estimate the quality of a loose leaf or bud tea rather than that of a pressed cake.  

Loose leaf raw puer is a rare and expensive tea variety, especially if sourced at famous locations.  

We continially restock our collection with new young and aged hand-produced loose raw puer tea varieties sourced by small familial farms, at historically significant locations, at natural reserves and secluded wild mountainous jungles.

" inertia>Loose Leaf Raw Puer
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