
Georgian Organic Green Tea # 2

Артикул товара: 12246
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Harvested and prepared from spring shoots of tea bushes grown organically without any harmful chemicals in village Chakvi (autonomous district Adjaria) in May 2016.


When dry, these are big, slightly rolled thin leaves of green and brownish colours with moderate herbal fragrance. The ready infusion has transparent yellow grape colour.


The bouquet of ready tea is fresh, multilevelled, herbal with spicy note. The taste if soft and quite delicate, smooth, slightly sour. Gentle scent of summer meadow. Pleasant refreshing aftertaste.


Preparation: with boiling water (90°С) in a gaiwan or a ceramic teapot of unglazed clay for green teas. Proportion of tea to water: 5-6 g to 100 ml. "Pouring method": starting with several seconds brewing time, gradually extend exposition. Leaves last for 4 - 5  brews. When a single brew is made in a cup or in a teapot, it doesn't become neither bitter nor astringent even if oversteeped.


This is a good choice for everyday use "in a hurry": very soft, light and easy to prepare.  

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Вроде и выпил немало, и послевкусие неплохое, но откровенно слабоват.

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