
Georgian green rustic tea from Ozurgeti

Артикул товара: 47086
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ПриготовлениеChevron Back
Time10 секунд
90 °C
6 г
ВкусыChevron Back
Описание и рекомендации

In appearance: large brown tea leaves with long stems. The fragrance is restrained, herbaceous. The liquor is transparent, with a shade of white grapes.

The bouquet of the ready-made tea is fresh, herbaceous with notes of meadow flowers. The aroma is delicate, herbaceous. The taste is soft, oily, sweetish, with a delicate tartness of grape skin, berry sourness and a refreshing finish.

Steep the tea in a hot water (85-90°C) in a gaiwan or in a teapot made of porous clay. The proportion is 6 g per 100 ml. The time of the first steeping is 15 seconds. After that, starting with an exposure of 7-10 seconds and increasing the time to 2 minutes, you can steep the tea 7 times.

The effect is refreshing, soft tonic.

Комментарии о товаре

Пустой, ни вкуса, на запаха. А раньше грузинские попадались вполне достойные, а такие чаи как этот, дискредитирует само понятие грузинского чая.

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